Hearing Loss And You
Frequently Asked Questions and General Information About Hearing Loss and Solutions

Hard Of Hearing? You’re Not The Only One. Stop Blaming Your “Environment” or “Mumbling”.
Take control of your life today. It’s easier and less expensive then you think. In fact, statistics show about 20%, or 48,000,000 Americans, report some degree of hearing loss. At age 65, 1 out of 3 people has a form of hearing loss. About 2-3 of every 1,000 children in the United States are born with a detectable hearing loss in one or both ears.

Common Misconceptions About Hearing Loss
Like all technologies, hearing instruments have come a long way from the big bulky hearing aids in past decades. There have been strong advancements in sound processing as well as adaptations for strengthening hearing in difficult atmospheres.
Get The Right Hearing Professionals
Thorough testing with the correct hearing instruments provides you with a proper fit and makes all the difference in the world. Turn down the television and stop asking people to “repeat that one more time” today.
You Can Control Hearing Loss
Almost all hearing loss is treatable through proper testing with digital hearing instruments. Why struggle to try to grasp one word when you can relax and enjoy a good conversation?
Frequently Asked Question About Hearing Aids and Hearing Loss
Q. I Have One Ear That's A Little Hard To Hear Out Of, But The Other One Is Okay. What Do I Do?
Answer: Everything is relative. Nearly all patients who believe that they have one “good” ear actually have two “bad” ears. When one ear is slightly better than the other, we learn to favor that ear for the telephone, group conversations, and so forth. It can give the illusion that “the better ear” is normal when it isn’t. Most types of hearing loss affect both ears fairly equally, and about 90% of patients are in need of hearing aids for both ears.
Q. Hearing Loss Is Just A Sign Of Aging, And Affects Only The Elderly, Right?
Answer: Only 35% of people with hearing loss are older than age 64, and there are almost 6,000,000 people in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 44 with hearing loss. Hearing loss affects all age groups indiscriminately.
Q. Is It True That Only People With Severe Hearing Loss Need Hearing Aids?
Answer: The need for hearing instruments depends more on your lifestyle, your desire to hear better, and the degree of hearing loss you have. If you are someone who has meetings with important information or has a good deal of time spent in social interaction then even a mild hearing loss can be intolerable. Acute hearing is necessary to discern the nuances of communication, therefore, integrating sleek hearing instruments into your daily routine will have a dramatic and efficient impact on your interpersonal engagements.
Q. Will Hearing Aids Make Me Look "Older" or "Handicapped"?
Answer: Looking older is affected more by many various other factors before hearing aids. It is not the hearing aids that make you think you look older, it is what you think they represent. If hearing aids help you function like a person with normal hearing, then doesn’t it actually make you appear younger? There are many styles of hearing instruments, some so small they are nearly invisible. Truth be told smiling and nodding when you don’t understand something, makes your hearing loss more apparent than even the largest of hearing aids.